Social Subscription Widget is one of the most popular widget in blogger , So today im giving the Code and how to add it to your blog , Just follow me : 

First one To do it : Adding The Css Code 

  1. Login to blogger account > Choose Your Blog 
  2. Template Edit HTML
  3. Search For ]]></b:skin> 
  4. Just above ]]></b:skin> add the following CSS stylin
  5. g:

<!--Social Widget START-->
@import url(";amp;text=AaBbCcEeFfIiKkLlMmOoRrSsTtWw%20");
.AllBTips ul {
 font-family: 'Oswald', sans-serif;
 margin: 15px 0;
 overflow: hidden;
.AllBTips ul li {
 float: left;
 width: 90px;
 padding: 0 0 0 55px !important;
 margin: 0 0 0 5px !important;
 line-height: 48px !important;
.AllBTips ul li a {
 font-size: 20px !important;
 padding:0 !important;
 margin:0 !important;

    .AllBTips ul li a:hover {
    .AllBTips ul li.w2brss {
     background: url("") no-repeat scroll left center transparent !important;
    .AllBTips ul li.w2bmail {
     background: url("") no-repeat scroll left center transparent !important;

      .AllBTips ul li.w2btwitter {
       background: url("") no-repeat scroll left center transparent !important;
      .AllBTips ul li.w2bfacebook {
       background: url("") no-repeat scroll left center transparent !important;
      #AllBTipsEmailsub {
       display: block;
       clear: both;
       margin: 10px 0;
      form.AllBTipsEmailform {
       margin: 20px 0 0;
       display: block;
       clear: both;
      .emailText {
       background: url("") no-repeat scroll 4px center transparent;
       padding: 7px 15px 7px 35px;
       color: #444;
       font-weight: bold;
       text-decoration: none;
       border: 1px solid #D3D3D3;
       -webkit-border-radius: 4px;
       -moz-border-radius: 4px;
       border-radius: 4px;
       -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #CCC inset;
       -moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #CCC inset;
       box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #CCC inset;
      .emailButton {
       color: #444;
       font-weight: bold;
       text-decoration: none;
       padding: 6px 15px;
       border: 1px solid #D3D3D3;
       cursor: pointer;

         -webkit-border-radius: 4px;
         -moz-border-radius: 4px;
         border-radius: 4px;
         background: #fbfbfb;
         background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fbfbfb 0%, #f4f4f4 100%);
         background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#fbfbfb), color-stop(100%,#f4f4f4));
         background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fbfbfb 0%,#f4f4f4 100%);
         background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #fbfbfb 0%,#f4f4f4 100%);
         background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #fbfbfb 0%,#f4f4f4 100%);
         filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#FBFBFB', endColorstr='#F4F4F4',GradientType=0 );
         background: linear-gradient(top, #fbfbfb 0%,#f4f4f4 100%);
        <!--Social Widget END-->

        Two: Adding the Widget

          1. Go to Layout > Add Gadget  
          2. Choose HTML/JavaScript & Paste The Code Below

          <div class="AllBTips">


          <li class="w2brss"><a href="">RSS</a></li>
          <li class="w2bmail"><a href="" >Email</a></li>
          <li class="w2btwitter"><a href="">Twitter</a></li>
          <li class="w2bfacebook"><a href="">Facebook</a></li>
          <div id="AllBTipsEmailsub">
           <form action="" method="post" target="popupwindow" onsubmit="'', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true" class="AllBTipsEmailform">
            <input type="hidden" value="allbloggertipss" name="uri" />
            <input type="hidden" name="loc" value="en_US" />
            <input type="text" onblur="if (this.value == "") {this.value = "Enter your email...";}" onfocus="if (this.value == "Enter your email...") {this.value = ""}" value="Enter your email..." name="email" class="emailText" />
            <input type="submit" class="emailButton" value="SignUp" title='' />
          By: <a href="">Social Subscription Widget</a>

          After adding above Widget code Customize the RSS, twitter and other URLs as follows.!

 with your feedburner url
 change the Feedburner ID
 with your Twitter URL
 with your Facebook Page URL
          <input type="hidden" value="allbloggerTips" name="uri" /> change the Feedburner ID with yours.

          Enjoy , 

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